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Tuesday, 21 August 2007
The government of India has offered huge tax incentives to individuals and companies investing in wind energy projects.
Topic: Education
The second strategic threat is more potent. To promote alternative sources of energy, the government of India has offered huge tax incentives to individuals and companies investing in wind energy projects. Governments in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu have offered even more goodies; to the point where even a film star like Aishwarya Rai has invested in windmills for legitimate tax breaks. Like all good things, this too will come to an end. That is when Tulsi Tanti will find it even more formidable to sustain growth and profitability. Many sceptics think that Tanti might well stumble when the tax holidays are over.
But then, remember he is the new-age Indian entrepreneur who sees opportunities in every threat. Who knows, if his windmills no longer generate windfalls, Tanti might visualize his vast wind farms as lucrative real estate that needs to be exploited?!
B&E,4ps & IIPM Publication
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
An IIPM and Management Guru Prof.Arindam Chaudhuri's Initiative

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Posted by ravi-jack at 6:25 PM
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
Dollar losing Pounds!!!
Topic: Article

Contrary to what many believe, the dollar depreciation will hardly see the global imbalances get better

First hit – a buy order for an overseas fund goes through. Second hit – long positions on Gold futures and Gold ETFs is ensured. And a last hit to add some foreign currencies to the portfolio. Well, this seems to be one of the off -beat workouts being performed with amazing perfection and haste, across many trading terminals, as the dollar continues its free fall. Now, everybody is scampering for a hedge against the dollar and the question whether the dollar downfall trend will continue or reverse in future holds tremendous significance. Many vouch for the fact that the dollar will and should fall for the global imbalances to balance out. Well, perturbingly, reality begs to differ! What is happening recently is proving all the dollar doomsayers right. Over the past few days dollar has slipped against major currencies at a pace that would push the greenback to oblivion in no time. The dollar fell to $1.97/pound against the pound; a level that’s 23% down compared to January 2006 levels and has never been seen in the past 14 years. Similarly, the dollar against the euro plunged to $1.33/euro, which was at a 20 month low. And this inhospitable situation of the dollar has been a courtesy of some dedicated mismanagement of the US economy. According to Naomi Fink, Currency strategist, BNP Paribas “Support for the dollar has fl own in the face of a continued deterioration of US fundamentals.” It’s not only about debilitating deficits today as growth woes are taking toll on the dollar. With housing continuing to lose steam, a screeching halt of the economy is getting more and more predictable. The NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index has fallen from 57 points in January 2006, to 33 in November. Moreover, the manufacturing sector is also showing signs of slowing down. The PMI index, which measures manufacturing activity in the economy, published by Institute of Supply Management fell below 50% to 49.5% for the first time since April 2003. 

Going by the fact that a falling dollar will help in balancing out the imbalances is not appealing as it would have been in the past. Today we live in a globalised era and the curtains have come down significantly between economies and markets are far more deregulated. And this has narrowed the scope for correction in the trade balances through an exchange rate window. Conventionally, a depreciation in the dollar would help American exports and make imports costlier (discouraging imports) thereby, bridging the trade gap. But in the present context depreciation in dollar would hardly affect imports today as pricing power of producers have fallen significantly due to commoditisation. So, we generally do not experience any shock due to depreciation of currency thereby imports stay unfettered, subsequently having a minimal corrective effect on the current account balances. And if at all such a thing has to happen, then it would require the dollar to fall more than what it should have in the past; and this variation which is not considered might be quite high and bring the whole global financial system to its knees. Well, there can be a less violent solution to this imbalance problem.

Moreover, the dollar depreciation against the euro and pound would never address the global current account imbalances. If we look at the US deficits, to a large extent it reflects the surpluses of Asian economies. Interestingly, there hasn’t been any marked depreciation of dollar against the major Asian currencies. Rather, major Asian currencies like the yen and the yuan have actually depreciated by 0.8% and 2.9% respectively, against the dollar during the same period (Jan 03, 2006 – Dec 01, 2006). So, till the time dollar doesn’t depreciate against the Asian currencies, hoping the imbalances to improve is actually being too optimistic. And as far as the current course of the dollar against the pound and the euro is concerned, the chances that this depreciation would continue for long also seems quite unlikely. First of all today many developing countries have locked their reserves in dollar and they won’t let the dollar to depreciate for the sake of their own reserves. Secondly, there are vested interests of other countries to keep their own currencies down against the dollar in order to support their own exports. Many argue that interest rates are rising elsewhere and Fed has stopped, which is driving this depreciation. Furthermore, a look at the interest rate differentials, which is currently 2% between US and Europe, shows that the dollar is as attractive as it was in the past. Well, for the imbalances to improve, fiscal discipline – cutting expenditures and broadening the revenue base – on the part of US is a more desirable option and of course, a less costlier one, rather than a dollar depreciation.


Posted by ravi-jack at 3:44 PM
Friday, 25 August 2006
IIPM Curriculum
Now Playing: http://www.iipm.edu/
Topic: Education

 "Winners All The Way ! ! ! IIPM's Full time & Integrated programs in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship are in a different league. Students are exposed to case studies & industry projects apart from undertaking tours to countries in Europe & US under the GOTA program, providing entrepreneurial outlooks to students..." {Source: The Times of India, June 2002}

"IIPM's initiatives exposes students to international management practices of global organizations... IIPM's alliance with IMI, one of the top three business schools enables IIPM students to get joint globally recognized certification..." {Source: Financial Express, June 2002}

"What makes IIPM programs different? The focus of the Full time & Integrated programs is National Economic Planning... The students visited organizations like Nestle in Vevey, Switzerland, Federation of Swiss Watch Industry (Bienne), Sulzer (Winterthur), IMD Lausanne etc. This international exposure not only broadens the students' horizons, but also brings them at communication terms with global management professionals..." {Source: Hindu, May 2002}

The integrated and full time programme in national economic planning and entrepreneurship provided by IIPM (which are superior to standard MBA and BBA programs), alongwith IIPM's Fellowship, Executive Education (and Global Opportunities and Threats Analysis programs where students visit organizations like the United Nations (Geneva), World Bank, ILO, Nestle S.A. Vevey, IMD Lausanne, Credit Suisse etc.) have created some of the highest standards in the management field.

Full time Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship (leading to the award of the MBA degree from IMI): This is the renowned two year full time Master's residential program that leads to the award of the MBA degree from the International Management Institute, Belgium, one of the Europe's leading business schools. Offered currently at the Asian (New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Ahmedabad & Hyderabad) campuses of IIPM, students have the option of transferring their credits to IMI Belgium and continuing their studies there. Students study core subjects in the first year related to various areas like National Economic Planning, Marketing, Personnel & Industrial Relations, Finance & Accounting, Production, Quantitative Techniques, IT Systems and various other term papers. In the second year, students have to undertake compulsory specializations related to Marketing & IT. Apart from these two compulsory specializations, students have a choice of taking up an additional specialization, namely Finance or Human Resources. Students in the second year also study advanced core papers like Business Policy & Strategic Planning, Mergers & Acquisitions, International Marketing etc. Students have to submit a thesis dissertation at the end of the program. Interestingly, this IIPM program has been rated as covering at least 33% more credits than any other MBA course in the world. Visit the link on Faculty to view the intellectual strength behind the Full time Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship courses and the subjects covered. Students join the best companies in the world after passing out from this course. Please visit the link on campus placements for more information. Also visit the link on application details for information on how to apply.

Integrated Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship (leading to the award of the BBA degree from IMI): The Bachelor's program at IIPM is ranked amongst the best programs for undergraduates in India. This is a three year full time residential program that leads to the award of the BBA degree from the International Management Institute, Belgium, one of the Europe's leading business schools. As mentioned previously, the Bachelor's program is currently offered at IIPM's Asian campuses in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad & Hyderabad. In this IIPM program, in the first year, the IIPM students have to study the foundation courses related to areas like Marketing, HR, Finance, Foreign Languages, Culture, Executive Communication, Quantitative Techniques, General Awareness, History & Literature, Introduction to Management, Introduction to IT systems. In the 2nd year, students have to undertake core subjects related to various areas like National Economic Planning, Marketing, Personnel & Industrial Relations, Finance & Accounting, Production, Quantitative Techniques, IT Systems and various other term papers. In the third year, students have to undertake compulsory specializations related to Marketing & IT. Apart from these two compulsory specializations, students have a choice of taking up an additional specialization, namely Finance or Human Resources. Students in the third year also study advanced core papers like Business Policy & Strategic Planning, Mergers & Acquisitions, International Marketing etc. Students have to submit a thesis dissertation at the end of the program. The IIPM integrated program is unique in the aspect that students in the final two years undergo as rigorous a course schedule as in the Full time program. Most importantly, these IIPM under graduate students, after working for two years in the industry, are automatically awarded the MBA degree from IMI. This allows the Integrated students to achieve an industry standing that is comparable to MBA graduates, at the same time allowing a time saving of two years. Visit the link on Faculty to appreciate the top notch faculty teaching at the under graduate programme and the subjects being covered. Another important aspect of this program is that students have the option of transferring their credits to IMI Belgium and continuing their studies at IMI. Students join the best companies in the world after passing out from this course. Kindly visit the link on campus placements for more information. Also visit the link on application details for information on how to apply.

European Exchange Program with IMI: Considered one of the most valuable learning experiences at IIPM, all students of IIPM who successfully complete the first year of their programme at IIPM in India are eligible to go to IMI for the duration of one trimester in the second year. The students would stay & study at the Antwerp Campus of IMI in Belgium. The students would get the opportunity to interact with international faculty as IMI faculty includes various American, European & Asian professors. Students would be in the midst of truly multi-national student groups as IMI students belong to various parts of the world. During the course of this study, the students would be taken on corporate & academic tours to Brussels (Belgium), Paris (France) & Bruges (Belgium). This would provide the most invaluable opportunity of understanding how global organizations work.

Posted by ravi-jack at 10:44 AM
Updated: Friday, 25 August 2006 10:55 AM
Monday, 14 August 2006
IIPM Mission
Mood:  bright
Topic: Education

The Indian Institute of Planning and Management has set before it the twin tasks: (1) to reorient education and research towards the needs of both the private and public (government) sectors and (2) to establish the link between the national economic planning and the development of private enterprises in our country. The Indian Institute of Planning and Management aims at initiating training and research on problems of development that must be solved for realizing planned national objectives. Unfortunately education in India has still remained primarily oriented towards the needs of the private sector and has overlooked the specific requirements of the public sector. India has even failed to do justice to the private sector by not properly formulating the basic framework within which they should operate. The scope and role of the Indian private sector, in the context of national economic planning, is quite distinct from that of the foreign private sector firms operating in free market economies originally developed through colonial exploitation.

Problems of development of the private and the public sectors are, therefore, to be studied and analyzed carefully in the background of national economic planning. Otherwise, India would not be able to translate the laudable goals of plans into physical realities, however sophisticated the planning models may be. Despite the basic differences that exist between the private and the public sector, once the strategy for planned development has been formulated, both the sectors must draw up their operational plans in a complementary way to realize the planned objectives. Otherwise, India may find the public and the private sectors working at cross-purposes. Undertaking objective commitments towards these goals, IIPM has set up various Centers to objectively support these goal oriented commitments. Foundations like the Great Indian Dream Foundation also are examples of the effectiveness that such movements can bring about.

As an educational institute, IIPM aims at developing a three dimensional personality in our students. (1) Pursuit of knowledge, (2) commitment to economic, social and cultural uplifting of masses and (3) cultivation of taste for literature, fine arts etc. IIPM's success is seconded by our turning out leaders and entrepreneurs year after year who are committed to the Indian masses and are so urgently needed by the country.

Posted by ravi-jack at 11:21 AM
Thursday, 3 August 2006
IIPM Knowledge Centre
Mood:  bright
Topic: Education

 Whats in a Name - Prof. Naveen Chamoli
Just as naming your new-born baby is important for his unique identity in society, so is naming your brand crucial to your company’s development

 Glocalization -Prof. Amim Ahmed and Prof. Manohar G
Glocalization has been a savior for many companies chasing diverse markets. Though it cannot be a universally applicable concept; this article looks into few examples of how companies leveraged glocalization to work wonders.

 Good Film + Great Marketing = Hit Films- Prof. Viraj Kalra
Bollywood ka asli king kaun? An audience that appreciates sensible cinema? Or the brand manager, who wants a risk-free platform to effectively communicate brand messages? Or the pot-bellied film producer, who has finally realised the importance of film marketing? Viraj Kalra unravels the workings of one of the largest film industries in the world.

 Media Wars - The good, the bad and the ugly - Prof. Rajita Chaudhuri
If you wish to position your product as the best in a particular market segment, try compara­tive advertising! But be warned. Success in a media war does not come without its own peculiar drawbacks, cautions.

 The Art of Hustling~Narcissism as Philanthropy - Prof. Gaurav Sachdeo
A term more abused than used, `Corporate Social Responsibility’ camoufl ages the headlong rush to hoowink gullible consumers – and hook them. There are honorable exceptions, of course.

 The way of the warrior - Prof. Namit Sharma
Mitsui & Co is ranked No 6 on the Forbes international list and No 11 on the Fortune 500 list. Its operations span 160 offices in 79 countries with over 700 subsidiaries across the globe. Among the Zaibatsu, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, or Mitsui & Co, has stood out as an advocate of peaceful trade and international goodwill. Now, Mitsui is set to showcase its prowess in India and the South-West Asian Region.

 The World at War, whose blood is it anyway - Prof. Abhimanyu Ghosh
Peeps into how marketing warfare strategies deliver a knockout punch to competitors.

 When Nature Strikes - thousands die and others rise - Prof. Abhimanyu Ghosh

 When the regional lords it over the national - Sutanu Guru
Local is not down market anymore. While regional brands are gaining acceptance, big national players often lose touch with aspirations at the grassroots level. The success of regional brands with an earthy appeal also reflects the growing confidence of the Indian consumer and a significant drop in the Indian inferiority complex related to English and all things foreign.

 Technische Kaizer: Machen in Deutschland

 Spiced up Pizzaz! - Amim Ahmed
Building the leading pizza company has required innovation, a commitment to quality, and dedication to service and value. What has also characterized Pizza Hut’s business through more than four decades of success are the qualities of entrepreneurship, growth and leadership.

 The key success factor - PR Vs Advertisement? - Prof. Jaydip Dutta Gupta
For decades, there has been a tussle between two different schools of thoughts – one, pro-advertisement, the other pro-PR. Both the groups have always tried to pull the tide in their own favour. Although neither of these two tools of marketing communication could claim the stature of an undisputed leader, but very recently, PR has started eating up the humble pie out of advertisement’s claim to fame.

 A Marketing Paradigm shift - Anirudh Sharma

 Getting Inventory right

 Exnovation - Prof. A. Sandeep
Organizations today do require innovation at certain levels; but internationally, being introduced is a mind-moving & path breaking aspect of process management that actually is defined as the opposite of innovation; or if we might be pardoned to rehash, a term better known as “Exnovation”. The author takes a deep look at the concepts of Exnovation as a capability and competency advancement technique.

 Industrial Revolution to IT Revolution - Prof. Shailendra Pathak
Marketing in the IT age has become more scientific and multi dimensional

Human Resource

 Image maker or Corporate Strategist - Prof. Amim Ahmed
“Most corporates want to work on stuff that will give returns day after tomorrow. PR takes longer time to yield results.”- Dilip Cherian. As a journalist, he used to chew politicians and critically analyse corporates. Today, as a PR consultant, he tries to give them an image makeover. Learn from him the power of PR.

 Talent Management - A key business strategy - Prof. Rajlakshmi Saikia
A serious concern of every HR manager is to fight against a limited and diminishing pool of qualified available candidates... In a wired world of easy, me-too replications, solid employee value proposition reinforced by ‘The Human Factor’ can provide the winning difference.

 Its all stress, tension and no pay -Prof. Mridu Singh
Ex Assistant Commissioner of Police and the Awardee of two President’s Police Medal,
Mr. K.S. Bedi uncovers the HR scenario in the Delhi Police Service...

 Just say no to boring training - Prof. Naveen Chamoli
Great training uses an exciting blueprint to keep the participants interested and active. So please, before you schedule your next round of training, make sure it’s fun and interesting. If it’s (y-a-w-n) boring, you’re wasting your time and money and losing credibility with your employees.

 Stress Busting Programme - Prof. Nitin Rehlan
If you manage stress, instead of letting stress manage you, a balanced life is possible. IIPM Research reveals how stress is controllable if you have the right tools.

 Advantage People, Game HR - Prof. Meghna Yadav
Organisations are redefining, reinventing and rediscovering HR processes in their quest to become magnets for talent; resulting in Value-creation for the employee and sustainable growth form the foundation of the framework for a successful organisation.

 Evolving trends as HR rounds the bend - Prof. Rajlakshmi Saikia
Achieving organisational excellence must be the work of human resources. The question for managers is not ‘should we do away with HR?’, but ‘what should we do with HR?’. Human resource restructuring leads to reduced costs, but more importantly, it creates long-term value.

 Post-Merger Culture Shock - Prof. Mridu Singh
Clash in two organisational cultures post-merger might lead to rivalry between employees of the two organisations and hostile ‘us-them’ attitudes, adversely affecting the merged entity in the long run.

 Managing Psychological Contract - Prof. Dipankar Sarkar
World over, employee retention or ‘talent retention’ is a major concern for the organisations, both in private and public sectors. This research is an attempt to study the probable co-relation between employee retention and psychological contract.

 Another side of attrition - Prof. K. Ramanathan

 Unstopable !!! Yes!...You!

 As you sow so shall you reap

Information Technology

 Outsourcing - Prof. Vistasp Malegamwalla
Outsourcing is perhaps the answer to optimising corporate gains. Is India equipped to take the plunge yet?

 To source or not to source - Prof. Vistasp Malegamwalla

 Beware of Financial Watchdog

Posted by ravi-jack at 3:43 PM
Updated: Thursday, 3 August 2006 3:57 PM
Thursday, 27 July 2006
IIPM Admission & Application Details
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Education
Admission at IIPM

This section would inform the reader about details of whom to contact for applying to the various programs at IIPM, last dates for submitting the application forms and frequently asked questions. If you do not find the answers to your queries in this section, please visit the link on Contact Information and communicate with the appropriate authority.

Full time Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship (2006 Applications)

Last date for submitting applications for Fulltime Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship, 2006 Fall Winter Session: 29th July 2006 for candidates from Delhi, for candidates from other Indian cities, for candidates from Asian cities outside India, and for candidates from the Australian continent, for candidates from North American, European & African continents.

Last date for submitting applications for Integrated Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship, 2006 Session: 29th July 2006 for candidates from Delhi, for candidates from other Indian cities, for candidates from Asian cities outside India, and for candidates from the Australian continent, for candidates from North American, European & African continents.

Course Commencement Date for the Spring Summer Session: For IIPM Delhi: May 2006, For IIPM Mumbai: May 2006, For IIPM Pune: May 2006, For IIPM Bangalore: May 2006, For IIPM Chennai: May 2006, For IIPM Hyderabad: May 2006, For IIPM Ahmedabad: May 2006.

Course Commencement Date for the Fall Winter Session: For IIPM Delhi: August 2006, For IIPM Mumbai: August 2006, For IIPM Pune: August 2006, For IIPM Bangalore: August 2006, For IIPM Chennai: August 2006, For IIPM Hyderabad: August 2006, For IIPM Ahmedabad: August 2006.

Information Brochure & Application Forms: These can be obtained free of cost on working days from the following offices:

New Delhi Admissions Office: Level 1, IIPM Tower, B-27, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi: 110016, India; Phone: +91-11-41799993, 41799994; Email: Admissions@iipm.edu.

Mumbai Admissions Office: IIPM Tower, Junction of 32nd Road and S.V. Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai:400050, India; Phone: +91-22-56987878, 56988901, 56929681; Email: Admissions@iipm.edu.

Pune Admissions Office: IIPM Tower, 893/4, Bhandarkar Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Opp. Oakwood Hotel, Pune:4, Phone: 91-20-31031556, Email: Admissions@iipm.edu.

Bangalore Admissions Office: IIPM Tower, 419, 100 Feet Road, Next to Canara Bank, Koramangala, Bangalore, Phone: 91-80-25084588, Email: Admissions@iipm.edu.

Chennai Admissions Office: IIPM Tower, 145, Marshall Road, Egmore, Chennai, Phone: 91-44-55223310/1/2, Email: Admissions@iipm.edu.

Ahmedabad Admissions Office: IIPM Tower, 19, Inqulab Society, Opp. Sears Tower, Gulabi Tekra, Ahmedabad, Email: Admissions@iipm.edu.

Hyderabad Admissions Office: IIPM Tower, 6-3-252/2, Erramanzil, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, Phone: 91-40-55766001, 23300212/13 Email: Admissions@iipm.edu.

If application form is required by post (available free of cost) for New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad write to us at our office addresses (mentioned above) clearly stating the name of the programme for which the application is required, applicant's name and contact address.

Eligibility: For the Full time Programme in National Economic Planning and Entrepreneurship, applicant should be a graduate, or should be in the final year of graduation. No minimum percentage is required in graduation for applying. For the BBA program, applicant should have completed 10+2, or should be in the final year of high school (11/11+1/12th grade). No minimum percentage is required in 10+2 for applying to the BBA entrance exam.

All India Examination Procedure: For the Full time & Integrated programs, after the applications have been received and accepted, admit cards would be sent to candidates for the Entrance Examination. The Entrance Examination is conducted at more than 20 centers all over India. Please refer to the prospectus for the updated list of centers. All applicants who receive admit cards would have to undergo the Entrance Examination that would consist of three stages, namely, a written examination, group discussion and a personal interview. There would be no short-listing of applicants before all the three stages are over. Once the three stages are completed, the final selected list of applicants would receive individual communication from the Admissions Department at IIPM. Applicants can also call up the Admissions Department and verify selection details. Please visit visit the link on Contact Information for the relevant contact details.

Fees Details: Please refer to the Prospectus that contains term fees schedules for both the Full time & Integrated programs. Under a special agreement with IDBI Bank & UTI Bank, IIPM students are provided educational loans by IDBI Bank & UTI Bank during the course of study. However, IDBI Bank & UTI Bank reserve the right to accept or reject loan applications.

Residential Accommodation & Hostel Details: All selected applicants desiring hostel accommodation should contact the Admissions Department through email or phone and send an application requesting hostel quarters. rooms would be allotted on a first-come-first-serve basis by the Establishment Head. The hostels are separated on gender basis and hence female applicants would be allotted rooms in the women's hostels and male applicants would be allotted rooms in the men's hostels.

Additional Information: Applicants are encouraged to directly contact the Admissions Department at IIPM for any additional support through email, normal mail, phone, or physically. In case there is any urgent information requirement, applicants are advised to use the telephonic contact method. For details, please visit the link on Contact Information.

IIPM Fellowship Programs (2006 Applications)

Last date for submission of application forms: No last date is applicable in these programs. However, applicants are encouraged to submit their applications by March 31st for the Spring Summer session, and by September 30th for the Fall Winter session.

Course Commencement Date: Spring Summer (May) & Fall Winter (August).

Information Brochure & Application Forms: These can be obtained free of cost on working days from Admissions Departments, for New Delhi Base Level, IIPM Tower-I, B-27, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi: 110016, for Mumbai IIPM Tower, Junction of 32nd Road and S.V. Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai - 400050, for Pune IIPM Tower, 893/4, Bhandarkar Road, Deccan Gymkhana, Opp. Oakwood Hotel, Pune:4, for Bangalore IIPM Tower, 419, 100 Feet Road, Next to Canara Bank, Koramangala, Bangalore, for Chennai IIPM Tower, 145, Marshall Road, Egmore, Chennai, for Hyderabad IIPM Tower, 6-3-252/2, Erramanzil, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad:500082 and for Ahmedabad IIPM Tower, 19, Inqulab Society, Opp. Sears Tower, Gulabi Tekra, Ahmedabad If required by post, send a forwarding letter mentioning clearly the name of the programme for which the application is required, applicant's name and contact address to the address mentioned above Further, copies of published research papers and dissertations should be submitted alongwith the application.

Eligibility: Applicant should have completed a minimum of 16 years of education to apply for the IIPM fellowship programs. However, it is extremely preferred that the applicants have relevant work experience and have previously published research papers, articles etc.

Stipend Details: IIPM fellows would be awarded a monthly stipend that would be amongst the best in the academic field. Fellows would however have to pay the course fees. Details would be provided by respective Department & Unit Heads at IIPM once the applications are received.

Selection Methodology: Applicants would be asked to submit summaries of their interest areas. Once these are received, they would have to undergo interviews with specific Heads of Departments & Units. Selection results, stipend amounts and other fees would be communicated on the basis of these interviews.

Posted by ravi-jack at 11:30 AM
IIPM History

In the mid 1960s, a proposal to set up an Institute under the name of "Institute for Planning and Administration of National Economy" was forwarded to IIPM CampusPandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India and Chairman, Planning Commission, Government of India. A study tour was undertaken under Dr. M. K. Chaudhuri's commission during 1964-65 to acquire first hand knowledge about the working of similar institutions in Europe. A working paper on Regional Planning was circulated under the name of "Indian Institute of Planning" in 1969.

After resigning from Professorship at IIM (Indian Institute of Management) Bangalore, and after having been a Professor at XLRI Jamshedpur, Dr. Chaudhuri took over as Research Professor and founder Director of IIPM in 1973. Incidentally, Dr. Chaudhuri has also been the founder director of management courses at IMT Ghaziabad. At IIPM, the first residential full-time Post-Graduate Diploma Programme commenced on 12th August 1974, with students selected through admission tests and interviews held in New Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay & Bangalore. IIPM pioneered the all India admission procedure by holding admission tests and interviews in 15 centers, namely, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata (Calcutta), Chandigarh, New Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Chennai, Patna & Trivandrum. The institute has, through the experiences of the past decades, accumulated a vast and massive base of knowledge and learning. It has grown in the areas of activities, at the same time maintaining a close connection with various competencies that have working synergies with the core management education area. IIPM's activities now range from education & rural development programmes to management consulting, public relations, marketing consulting, research, training & development, human resources consulting & media consulting.

Posted by ravi-jack at 11:11 AM
Monday, 24 July 2006
"Management Guru" 2000 award for "Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri"
Mood:  special
Topic: Announcements

Chennai based Om Venkatesa Society run TIME Management school which honours educationists, industrialists and entrepreneurs annually, awarded Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri the "MANAGEMENT GURU 2000 AWARD" in the year 2000.

Personality of the decade  award for Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri

The K.G. Foundation award Prof. Arindam chaudhuri, the dean of IIPM as the "PERSONALITY OF THE DECADE" in the year 2003. The prestigious award has been received by only 7 eminent personalities before him which included Bharat Ratna Dr. A.P.J Abdul kalam, president of India & Dr. Christian Barnard who pioneered the Concept of heart Transplant in the world.

 Read the IIPM Dean's (Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri) Message

Posted by ravi-jack at 11:47 AM
Updated: Monday, 24 July 2006 11:51 AM
IIPM Ranked 4th Amongst all B-schools in INDIA

Inspite of beings invited by various magazines, IIPM has constantly tried to stay out of various B-Schools ranking (the extremely credible Outlook ranking beings the only exception) taken out by them. this stems out of the fact that IIPM believes that its course content are far superior to those of any other institute in the country. IIPM has strong reservations on the methodology applied by most of the magazines to rank B-schools. Being an institute totally focussed on quality education and faculty it believes that educational institutes should be jugded primarily on these groups (most of these B-school rankings give and maximum of only 20% to 30% weightage to the same). However, often magazines taken out rankings without IIPMs participation - based upon student perceptions etc. In such rankings, IIPM has invariably been in the top 20 B-schools in India.

Posted by ravi-jack at 11:15 AM
IIPM Aims & Objectives
Mood:  bright

The Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM) aims at initiating training and research on problems of development that must be solved for realising planned national objectives. Unfortunately education in Indian has still remained primarily oriented towards the needs of the private sector and has overlooked the specific requirements of the public sector. We have even failed to do justice to the private sector in as much as we have not succeeded in impressing upon the students the basic framework within which the private sector has to operate in our country. the scope and role of the private sector in our country, in the context of national economic planning, is quite distinct from that of the private sector in the free market economies originally developed through colonial exploitation.

     Problems of development of the private and the public sector are, therefore, to be studied and analyzed carefully in the background of national economic planning. Otherwise, we shall not be able to translate the laudable goals of plants into physical realities, however sophisticated the planning models may be. Inspite of the basic differences that exist between the private and the public sector, once the strategy for planned development has been formulated, both the sectors must draw up their operational plans in a complementary way to realize the planned objectives. Otherwise, we may find them working at cross purposes.

     the Indian Institute of Planning and Management(IIPM) has set before it the twin tasks: to reorient education and research towards the needs of both the sectors and the established the links between the national economics planning and the development of private enterprises in our country.

    As an educational institute, we aim at developing a three dimensional personality in our students, viz(1) pursuit of knowledge, (2) commitment to economic, social and cultural upliftment of masses and (3) cultivation of taste for literature, fine arts etc. If we succeed, we shall turnout barefoot leaders and entrepreneurs who are committed to the masses and are so urgently needed by the  country.

Posted by ravi-jack at 10:31 AM

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